لا يتصور أحد أن يُقدم شخص سوي على أكل أصابعه وكأنها وجبته المفضلة!، ولا يتخيل عقل أن تقدم على هذا السلوك طفلة لم تتعد الأربع سنوات، دون أن يبدو عليها الشعور بالألم!
ملاك طفلة فلسطينية تعاني من مرض غريب حير الأطباء وعجزوا عن علاجها في داخل فلسطين.
ويروي والد الطفلة "لوكالة صفا" حالة ابنته التي لا يعرف مرضها الذي تسبب في فقدها لأصابعها العشرة عن طريق أكلها وهي لا تشعر بما تفعل ويخشى والدها من أن تقوم ابنته ملاك بأكل جسمها.
وقد طالب والد الطفلة الرئيس الفلسطيني ومن يستطيع مساعدته من شتى أنحاء العالم لمساعدته في علاج ابنته التي قرر الأطباء وجود علاج لها في الخارج.
أحببت الخبر ؟ شارك اصحابك
استعمال المضامين بموجب بند 27 أ لقانون الحقوق الأدبية لسنة 2007، يرجى ارسال رسالة الى:
أضف تعليق
Did not know the girl angel Mohammed Abu birds (in four years old) she had rare disease affects not only people, only one of the millions of people in the world, and they eat fingers her without any feeling of pain for the loss of him, and it will continue life on this case. Angel was born suffering from congenital malformation - atrophy of the ten fingers and the curvature of the pelvic region, but that did not يوح to her parents that their daughter is normal, hoping to be treated with the passage of time, like many of the children. But with the emergence of small teeth dumbfounded people what you are doing child, which eat her fingers, ten even strain them do not have the only remnants of the fingers which is trying to deal with what you can hold it from the food and drink as you can Raanaha the younger owned. He says the girl's father Mohammed Abu Birds: "As soon as the emergence of teeth angel until I began to eat with her fingers slowly, and did not Attention much for this habit especially as they were not bleeding They eat with her fingers," pointing out that he presented to many doctors but to no avail because they told him that the treatment abroad and not in the sector. Abu birds can not work so as to Asthalahibadh the daughter started quickly heaped on her fingers and start Bakdmha, which makes it a difficult economic life, without attention turned to his family and secure a living and living their lives. The family lived in a small house consisting of one room and lounge, not suitable for normal life, loss factor and the entry of the sun ventilation him. And Abu birds pointed out that his daughter does not feel pain They eat her hands, nor crying, nor bleeding from her hands which raises great surprise, as it not Istitia left a long time for fear of finishing her hands full. In an attempt from my father the child to reduce continue this habit alien that does not know its causes, were linking hands or put up Cuba from the plastic on her hands to reduce biting her fingers, but it can teeth sharp to bite into the cup and Taatfah and eat cloth cabbage with her hands, and resume eating meat from again. Her mother: "ßĘíŃ the Bnhaol but to no avail Ptkdr operate any Shi is important, but returns eat with her fingers, and I tried violin infield on their hands foul-smelling materials, but to no avail The disease suffered by the owners is very rare in the world as it is experienced by a small number of humans, and doctors are unable to accurately diagnose these cases are clear, and therefore did not find the right treatment for this disease. The pediatric consultant Dr Ahmed Mansour time Presse that the disease is a sense that the child فيأكلها strange without limbs to feel, a reference to the lack of pain sensation caused by the lack of growth of sensory nerves. Mansour pointed out that no treatment available for the disease, noting that the best solution to reduce eating parties is to remove the teeth from the mouth, and an article on the hands to prevent the patient from eating his fingers. After conducting several medical examinations for children suffering from the same disease doctors managed to discover the disease (CIPA) السيبا of, a disease not feel pain, and stressed that his rare or medicine, which makes a patient susceptible to a wide range of risks and infections. It should be noted that the disease arises from a change in genetic bio-both parents when they fail one of the nerve cells in the normal growth and failure to pain sensation to the slow response of brain injuries that may be exposed to the patient. It also causes damage to the ligaments and joints, making the patient can not walk due to carry large weights not تطيقها the joints, caused by a lack of sense of pain
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